Thursday, May 31, 2012

Private Selection Brand - BzzCampaign

BzzAgent has really been showing me love lately!  Currently I'm involved in three BzzCampaigns:

1. The Dr. Scholl's inserts I just posted about
2. A really exciting one where I got two free books for my Kindle, The Hangman's Daughter and The Dark Monk
3. Private Selection Taste of Summer - this one involes FOOD!  :)

If you've never heard of Private Selection brand, it is sold exclusively at Kroger stores, but it is a "premium/gourmet" brand.  Prior to the campaign, I had tried a few of their products (one being the olive oil that I'm currently using and love).  They are modestly priced, though not the cheapest thing on the shelf, and generally I have found to be pretty good quality products.

The BzzKit we received contained an actual bag of sea salt and black pepper flavored kettle chips, and coupons for a free pie, a free package of angus ground beef, $1.50 off of a pint of ice cream, and lots of 20% off coupons to share with friends. 

The chips were so-so; I love kettle chips and loved the texture and crunch of these, but I just wasn't into the flavor.  I plan to try another kind.  So far, I have not been able to find the pies at my Kroger store.  The ice cream was actually on sale for $1.50, so I got it for free, too.  I chose black raspberry and dark chocolate ice cream, and it was  d e l i c i o u s.  Even my husband liked it.  Great texture, especially for a store brand - there are big brand name ice creams that don't measure up to this, in my opinion.  I'll buy it again!  Finally, I purchased a package of the angus ground beef.  I used it for hamburgers, and I really was so impressed with the consistency of the meat.  Normally, when I buy ground beef, I feel like it is really stiff and hard to work with, it seems overprocessed and a little gross.  This ground beef was extremely soft and had a texture like actual meat you might grind at home, if you do that sort of thing.  It really wasn't any more expensive than other ground beef, I thought, so I would definitely purchase it again.  I have been really impressed with the brand.

So in case you missed my previous posts, BzzAgent is a really easy-to-use website where you sign up, take a few surveys, and then sit back and wait to be invited to a campaign that suits you.  Occasionally you'll be asked to take a new survey as new companies prepare to launch campaigns, but it's nothing too time-consuming.  If you receive a product, you're asked to share your opinions and a coupon or two with friends, and report back to BzzAgent about your "Bzz".  Super easy, and actually pretty rewarding... try it out!  ;)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dr. Scholl's For Her - High Heel Inserts

Just received my latest product testing kit from BzzAgent - Dr. Scholl's For Her High Heel Insoles. 

If you didn't read my earlier post about BzzAgent, let me fill you in.  Basically, you sign up for an account on their website, and then take several surveys about different subjects, mostly items you use or purchase.  Different companies will use BzzAgent to find people to test their products for free.  Those people are selected based on the company's chosen demographics and their "BzzScore", which measures a member's activity on the site (the most active/influential members with higher scores get more campaigns).  Your responsibilities once you receive a product are to use the product you are given, and then provide your honest feedback to others online and face-to-face, and report back to BzzAgent about your "Bzz".  It sounds more complicated than it is!  I have only been a member since around January, and this is my third product I've received to test, so it's pretty rewarding, in my opinion.  Once you complete all the initial surveys, there really aren't that many that you need to take (maybe one new one per week). 

Anyway!  Included in my kit for the Dr. Scholl's High Heel Insoles:  One pair of insoles (these are currently selling at for $7.97), several coupons for $4.00 off (to share with friends), and an information packet on the Dr. Scholl's For Her line of products.

I haven't had a chance to actually test these out yet, but I took them out of the package.  My first impression is that they aren't as squishy as I expected them to be, with the exception of the center, where the ball of your foot goes - there is a lot of squishy support in that area.  I wish they had more thickness towards the toes, where it seems like all of your weight goes when you're walking in heels.  They are adhesive - I peeled back a section of the plastic and they don't seem to be all that sticky.  This could be good (maybe they can be switched in and out of different shoes) or bad (maybe they won't stay where they belong).  The package does say that they can be removed without damaging your shoes.  The claims are that the insoles prevent foot pain when you're wearing high heels, and remove the pressure from the ball of your foot, while being slim enough to not make your shoes feel tight. 

I'll be testing these out Friday night, and I'll let you know how my feet feel on Saturday!

EDIT - So I was medium impressed with these!  My feet did feel pretty comfortable even after walking to and from the club from the hotel, and dancing all night.  It was kind of an unfair test, since I already had wicked blisters on my feet from walking around in Vegas for a week (wish I had these babies sooner!).  I would buy them again IF I had an uncomfortable pair of shoes that I really loved... but probably not otherwise. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Everyday Minerals

I can't post beauty product reviews and not mention Everday Minerals.  I really don't think they get the attention they deserve!

As I've mentioned, my skin is fair, sensitive, and extremely acne prone.  I started wearing makeup to cover my blemishes around 7th grade, and had since been part of a vicious cycle of wearing makeup to cover my acne, which was generally made worse by the makeup I was wearing.  I tried almost every over-the-counter acne treatment there was, and nothing helped.  I never thought mineral makeup would have the coverage that I needed, so I never tried it.  About 3 1/2 years ago, a friend discovered Everyday Minerals and recommended it to me.  I have been hooked ever since.  My skin looks better, and it is healthier because I'm not covering it with gross makeup.  And I was wrong - the foundation has great coverage!

My perception of mineral makeup has always been that it is too expensive to be practical.  I won't go into prices of other specific brands (Try-Me's and Starter Kits can run you anywhere from $30 to $70 or more), but that is not true with Everyday Minerals.  A 7-piece custom "Try Me" kit from Everyday Minerals costs... are you ready for this?... a penny.  You can add a kit to any order you place on their website.  First time user, and don't know which shade to buy?  Here's my recommendation:  Purchase one of their wonderfully soft makeup brushes ($13-$16) and add the sample kit to your cart.  You can try several different foundation shades and even if you hate the makeup (you won't!), you'll love the brush, and you just can't buy good brushes for that price.  Your sample kit can include different colors in different formulas, face powders, and blushes.  Regular shipping is around $4. 

I pay $12.99 for a container of foundation that lasts me about three to four weeks.  There's almost always a promo code for some type of "free with purchase" item on their website.  For example, this week you get a big-sized blush and a mini eyeshadow (these are actually huge), free with any $18 purchase.  They are always coming out with new colors of blushes and eyeshadows, and they also make lip balms, facial oils, and items like brush rolls to store your makeup brushes.  Best of all, their products are vegan, organic, natural, and eco-friendly - these things are not a "must" for me; I will use whatever I think works best, so that's just an added bonus.   (Read all about the company here).

If you've ever wanted to try mineral makeup but didn't, DO IT NOW.  I'm surprised you're not hearing more about them already.  I'm even more surprised that in the 3 1/2 years that I've been using this product, their popularity has increased but their prices have not.  Thanks, EDM! <3