Thursday, May 31, 2012

Private Selection Brand - BzzCampaign

BzzAgent has really been showing me love lately!  Currently I'm involved in three BzzCampaigns:

1. The Dr. Scholl's inserts I just posted about
2. A really exciting one where I got two free books for my Kindle, The Hangman's Daughter and The Dark Monk
3. Private Selection Taste of Summer - this one involes FOOD!  :)

If you've never heard of Private Selection brand, it is sold exclusively at Kroger stores, but it is a "premium/gourmet" brand.  Prior to the campaign, I had tried a few of their products (one being the olive oil that I'm currently using and love).  They are modestly priced, though not the cheapest thing on the shelf, and generally I have found to be pretty good quality products.

The BzzKit we received contained an actual bag of sea salt and black pepper flavored kettle chips, and coupons for a free pie, a free package of angus ground beef, $1.50 off of a pint of ice cream, and lots of 20% off coupons to share with friends. 

The chips were so-so; I love kettle chips and loved the texture and crunch of these, but I just wasn't into the flavor.  I plan to try another kind.  So far, I have not been able to find the pies at my Kroger store.  The ice cream was actually on sale for $1.50, so I got it for free, too.  I chose black raspberry and dark chocolate ice cream, and it was  d e l i c i o u s.  Even my husband liked it.  Great texture, especially for a store brand - there are big brand name ice creams that don't measure up to this, in my opinion.  I'll buy it again!  Finally, I purchased a package of the angus ground beef.  I used it for hamburgers, and I really was so impressed with the consistency of the meat.  Normally, when I buy ground beef, I feel like it is really stiff and hard to work with, it seems overprocessed and a little gross.  This ground beef was extremely soft and had a texture like actual meat you might grind at home, if you do that sort of thing.  It really wasn't any more expensive than other ground beef, I thought, so I would definitely purchase it again.  I have been really impressed with the brand.

So in case you missed my previous posts, BzzAgent is a really easy-to-use website where you sign up, take a few surveys, and then sit back and wait to be invited to a campaign that suits you.  Occasionally you'll be asked to take a new survey as new companies prepare to launch campaigns, but it's nothing too time-consuming.  If you receive a product, you're asked to share your opinions and a coupon or two with friends, and report back to BzzAgent about your "Bzz".  Super easy, and actually pretty rewarding... try it out!  ;)

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